Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Paul comes home tomorrow night. Wooo Hooo! I know. I'm a sissy la but hey that's me. I'd love to join a self defense class & learn the tricks of the trade on how to keep predators away. Not that I'm the most desirable person in the world but I do have a constant fear of being raped and/or killed. Horrific I know but it's true. So until I actually do something about my fear I'll continue to double check the locks & surround myself w/awesome friends & family :)

Diana came over on Tuesday to keep me company. It was nice to sit around & talk about boys, music, huge cups, our kids (ha!) & completely udder nonsense. The plan was to cook dinner & hang out.........well at least we hung out ;) We originally wanted to make Miso Soup. Some should really leave to the professionals. We bought the premade packets from St. Bros. Boil water & add contents. Easy right?

Well first off the water wouldn't boil. Why? Because we didn't have the stove on. hee hee Then apparently we added too much water & it tasted like water w/tofu & large leaves floating around :( As Paul would say, "it's ok baby! it's going to taste good. Mmm I can't wait to eat it!" Oh well. Thankfully we had a back up plan & made Mozzarella raviolis w/veggie rolls. Mmm soooo yummy. After admitting our defeat & giving Diana a cup that wasn't meant for a giant (don't spill!) we just enjoyed each others company. Oh & the poopies loved having Diana there :) The challenge of somebody not willingly petting their cute little head gets them every time. hee hee. So here's to good food, good company & knowing that you have awesome bffs makes Paul-less nights more bearable. MUAH! love ya Diana.......but not in a weird lesbo way. Don't touch my ass. :/


Anonymous said...

i hate that picture.
:( waaaaaaaaaaaa.
oh you forgot to say that the alfredo sauce exploded in the microwave, hehehehe.
awww brandy i love you too.
:)why cant i grab your bootie??
awwww i'm special soo special,
la la la sooo sppeciiiallll!!!
ok i'm going to shut up, the customer thinks i'm weird.

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I'm glad Paul's almost home....You'll be safe and sound.