Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy 29th Birthday Baby!

Yes it's that time of year again.

Oooo it's going to be your b-day soon!


So baby what do you want?"

I don't know.

Ok, if you could have anything what would it be?"

YOU! & I have you so I don't want anything

pinches Pauls nipple
STOP IT! Seriously what do you want?!

Ummmm I don't know.

Clothes? Cds? Dvd? What?!

I don't know. I know don't get me anything.

Fine. I won't.

Ok good


*Paul runs away to avoid twisting of the nipple*

How do I resist the urge to sing gleefully?

One of the many reasons why I adore Paul, he's so laid back. One of the reasons why I want to strangle him? He's so laid back. I love my Paul.

Anywho, he made a strong demand for NO GIFTS! "Brandy I got my LCD Plasma that's my gift" oh blah, blah blah. So I had to be sneaky, sneaky. I kicked him out of the car after work & left with my youngest brother Richard for our adventure. :D

Last night was a blast. We had a huge list compiled with goody bags, candy, favors, decorations, balloons, presents, some HOT Stacy Adams dress shoes (what?! they're from the poopies), food, food & more food! An ice cream cake was on that list but we couldn't find one. :( I'll look again tonight. :) Oops! Scratch that. My aunt just called & the ever so delicious Mint Chocolate ice cream w/chocolate cake will be ready at 2pm today. :)

We're having a few close friends & family over for dinner. Yes, I am cooking. Don't hate. So far I haven't killed anybody & our guest last weekend loved my food. So, aw crap hopefully I didn't jinxed myself. :p

While we're at work Richard is going to set up the decorations & fill the goody bags. I think we're more excited about the b-day party than Paul! To be fair he doesn't know what we were out doing last night. Let's just say it involved a quick dash to Rite-Aid & a bottle of white shoe polish. Hee hee the employees kept staring. :D

I'll upload pics soon of Pauls reaction (he loved it) of the car decoartions & the party itself.

I had a quick return to ROSS while on our adventure & Richard found a really nice dress top for Paul. I had to fight back the tears when he offered to pay for it himself! Oh my he's growing up so fast. *tear* *tear*

Happy 29th Birthday Baby!


sherthebear said...

That's awesome!!

JennB said...

You found the shoes?! Good work! The car looks great. I can't wait to see his reaction and pictures from the shin dig. GOOD WORK SUPER SLEUTH!