No not husband *enter obnoxious girly laugh here*
With our busy work/gym schedules & with school right around the corner Paul & I decided to have a "date" night. Usually during the weekend we're so busy meeting up w/friends & family that we don't really make time for us. When it is just the two of us hanging out we're stuck in front of the t.v. or meeting at the market to shop for groceries. Ahh how romantic. Ha! So "date night" has now begun. :
The "rules" are simple. We swap weeks, we have to do WHATEVER the other person plans & it can be planned for any day/night.
I started off date night & I have to say it pretty much rocked. After work this past Saturday we met up at B.J.s for dinner. Since I started working out I've been craving their buffalo chicken pizza nix the chicken, just had to throw that out there. Anywho, the pizza had nothing on the awesome conversations we had & how sweet it was to get lost in our own little world. During dinner our attention turned to the table next to us. There were two couples that sat by us w/their babies. The babies were probably 8 months to a year & it was really interesting to see how each parent reacted to their cries & how they "showed" them off. While observing (ok staring) at the couples Paul said, "I can't wait until that's us" aww it made my heart melt. It's funny because that's one of the many reasons why I first became intrigued w/Paul. On our first date I noticed a bracelet hanging from his rear view mirror that said "Paul Rules"......I later found out that he volunteered at a kid camp & one of the campers made it for him. How could I not love this guy? But don't worry this baby making machine won't be in order until at least 2 years.
Afterward we drove to Redlands & went to Golden Spoon (!). Little did I know by picking GS it would spark alot of memories. Way back when Paul & I use to work by that location (before GS existed) & met at Wal-Mart located directly across the street. Stories of when we first met, dated & alot of crazy adventures we've had together. So there we were enjoying our lo cal frozen yogurt laughing & thinking how crazy these past 5 just flew by.

Wango Tango : June 15, 2002
After eating our yummy yogurt (note to self : do not order the graham cookie crumbs...they taste like sand :/) we headed home. It was funny how something as small as the idea of a "date night" brought us closer & helped us enjoy each others company w/out the stress of where should we go? What should we eat? What do you want? What do I want? The simple rules of our date night made it easy to just go out knowing the night was already planned out. Awhile back a mentor of mine let me in on the secrets to a good marriage :
1.) Never go to bed angry.
2.) Never give your car to one another w/out gas. (sounds weird but so true!)
3.) Never leave the house w/out knowing where you want to eat dinner.
After hearing #3 I had to laugh out loud because Paul & I have, on more than on occasion (ok almost every time) get frustrated w/each other over dinner plans. It was explained to me that the woman should always choose. Sound silly? Well his voice of reason was that it's a mans natural instinct to take care of his wife & make her happy. Whatever she wants to, whatever food she wants to eat if it'll make her happy then he's more than happy to do it. That's why you see men do things they don't want to do but if it'll make her happy.....he'll do it for her. So true. How many guys do you know that will iron his wife's clothes, bring you white chocolate macadamia cookies "just because" & walk the dogs before leaving work, even though she leaves an hour after him? Not many. But I know of one & that's enough for me.
July 30, 2007
Ahh, how beautiful. Through the craving of buffalo pizza, frozen yogurt & starting off date night in the end the night was filled w/laughter, love & wonderful memories. It's true. It's the little gestures that go a long way. Hmm can't wait to see what Paul has planned. ;)
Awwww...that's such a great idea! It's nice that you two had such a wonderful time--it's something I might try w/my fiancé. :D Thanks!
You know what's funny? You look the SAME as you did in 2002. You're just so cuuuuuuute.
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