1) This is still happening. Day to day people are losing their life for a war that many are against.
2) How can you not think this is going to be upsetting?
Now I admit, I haven't watched The Kindgom to see the true intent of this movie however, I did have the unfortunate chance of catching a preview. We were waiting for I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry when The Kingdom preview began. I really didn't know how to feel at the time. It was more jaw dropping than the excitement of "We need to see that movie!" we were barely 10 seconds into the preview before I started bawling. If you know me you know that I can cry at the drop of a hat. I won't let you cry alone & the mere mention of animal abuse can make me a hysterical mess. But that wasn't the case. It wasn't tears from an over emotional person they were tears from a person who unfortunately knows this isn't a movie. It's my life. My brother has & will go back to that hell hole & to know that somebody saw this as a opportunity to not make a documentary but a blood bath movie (w/of course a supreme cast of A Lister's) made me sick to my stomach. Right along w/the sad realization that 9/11 is slowly losing it's meaning & how only 6 years ago thousands & thousands of lives were effected. How was it remembered this year? It wasn't. It was globalized as history in the Rap world as two artist released their albums on the same day. WTF?! It has only taken us, as Americans 6 years to "get over" what made us come together as a nation.
I can't say I'm surprised. Along w/other historical moments in time I suppose 9/11 had to become a mockery w/the other events. I hate it when I see a blown up version of the Titanic at local pumpkin patches & carnivals. "Weee!! Let's slide down to our death kids!"
I can't wait to see what they come up to "commemorate" 9/11. Land of the free......give me a break. Nothing is free.
I'm sorry Brandy. I know it has to be hard to have your brother over in Iraq fighting for us. I can't believe how many war movies have sprung from the actual war--but you are right. We ARE at WAR right now...but I suppose since it is such a touchy subject the stupid movie people feel this is the best time to capitalize on it. Don't they know that all people have to do is turn to MSNBC or any other news network to see the actual war that is going on now??!! I hope your brother gets to come home soon and that he is safe. Godspeed.
Oh what a stance to take!!! I understand how this affects you, and I totally agree with you. It's movies like The Kingdom that make other countries look at America and laugh. We're a self-centered, instant gratification, money-hungry country. I respect your brother, and you for supporting him.
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