Wednesday, September 12, 2007

On a side note

Scales at Target lie like a dirty, dirty carpet. I stopped by Target Monday night to see how much I weigh (along w/spending money on a bunch of crap I don't need) the scale read 135. After Cycling I decided I'd reweigh myself......141 lbs. WTF?! 3 days into this dieting/exercising crap & I gained 6 lbs :( oh well here's to counting calories.


Robyn said...

I would definitely recommend doing weight watchers. You can do just the online tracking and recipes if you don't want to pay the full amount and go to meeting. Dh does this. Its awesome because you get your alloted points and it is best to eat healthy but you don't deprive yourself of the good tasting stuff. If you want to eat a really healthy breakfast and indulge on dessert you can!

Brenda said...

Scale? Who needs a scale? Not me. :D