Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pills suck!

I've never been good at taking pills.

1. I forget to take them.

2. I'm a gagger.

I've come to find out being preggo doesn't make pill taking any easier. I'm usually nauseous & brushing my teeth w/out gagging has become a victory in itself. Since I found out I was with child my doctor immediately put me on Prenatal & Calcium pills. I'm a vegetarian (even though this baby is trying to turn my taste buds elsewhere) so since I don't drink milk she advised I take 1000 mg of calcium. Not too bad but that equals 2 pills. Then to top it off my prenatal pills stink. I don't know what that smell is but it makes me want to hurl. At first it reminded me of vanilla (which I love) but it was a weird rotting vanilla smell. Now it's turned into the stench of death. As if taking these 3 lovely pills wasn't enough I added Fish Oil to the mix. My friend took it while pregnant with her first baby. He's been tested by the Preschool he attends & has been said to have remarkable memory & is gifted in many other aspects. Say no more! I'm sold! Not that her personal experience guarantees a gifted child but hey it can't hurt. :)
Aren't they abnormaly large?! BLECH!

My lovely husband supports me so much. He's been my little cheerleader & yells out, "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" as I gag & try to swallow the juice I just threw back up into my mouth. Isn't that a delicious thought to process?
His constant support is rather sweet. :) This past week he even offered to take the pills with me. I thought he was joking so I agreed & handed him 4 pills. Together we chugged away & I was smitten. How he loves me & I love him so. :) Just for the record the fish oil pill was the worst for Pauly. For me the nasty stench of prenatal takes the cake every time!


JennB said...

Good lord, it's like you're taking Stonehedge! I'm sorry my friend

Robyn said...

Hopefully the nausea will pass soon so taking your pils will be easier on you!

Becki said...

I totally feel your pain! I got my prenatals from Clark's and for some reason you have to take 6, yes 6, a day. And they're huge and leave a gross taste in my mouth.I've also developed an out of control gag reflex. The joys of pregnancy!

Evening said...

There has to be another brand of prenatals that you can take that does not smell like rotting vanilla (whatever that smells like, no no it's ok, I really don't want to know!).

Brenda said...

Ewwww...rotting vanilla? Um...yeah like Evening wrote, there has to be another brand you can take that doesn't smell like that. I know swallowing those huge vitamins must suck, but all I'm gonna say is "Grow Baby J Grow!" :D

Benny Lopez said...

Stop acting like a little baby.

Benny Lopez said...
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